Our New Motor Fire Engine and Equipment

An article was found from the Richwood Gazette dated Wed, January 1, 1913.

American-LaFrance automovile fire engine

The people of Richwood are feeling mighty proud over the possession of an American LaFrance automobile fire engine, which arrived here from the factory at Elmira New York last week.  The installation of the new engine also adds a feeling of security that has never in the town’s history been entertained before.

With the new equipment it is possible to get to a fire within a few minutes after the alarm is turned in, and when the engine arrives at the scene of the fire it is ready to pump water.  Henceforth we’ll have no waiting till enough of the boys come to pull the old engine out to the fire – no waiting fifteen to thirty minutes to get up steam.  We now have an engine that will pull itself to the fire and will get down to business the minute the hose is laid.

Tests were made on the fire wells in Richwood Monday and it is claimed none of the wells will furnish enough water to test the engine to its full capacity, although these same wells contain an adequate amount of water for the fire protection.  The new motor equipment is rated to furnish five hundred gallons of water per minute through two lines of hose, each containing three hundred feet, using  1 ¼ inch nozzles.

The equipment includes almost everything needed in the fire-fighting line, among the different articles being a 24 foot extension ladder, a 12 foot roof ladder, two 1 ¼ in nozzles and holders, four lanterns, axes, crowbar, wrenches, three self-lighting presto lights, one search light, three coal oil lamps, plaster hook and other contrivances.  It is also planned to carry twenty-two gallons of chemical extinguishers on the machine, which will be used upon arrival at the fire.  There is room in the machine to carry a thousand feet of hose.

The new engine is one of the four cylinder types and can develop seventy horsepower. It is fitted with dual rear and single front Dayton airless tires.

The total cost of installing this engine is $7,000, but it is the best investment the village has ever made, as we will now have fire-fighting equipment we can rely upon.

The engine will be given a thorough test Thursday.

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